Did you know that the seasons occur because of the tilt in the earth's axis with respect to the plane of earth's orbit? Spring, summer, autumn and winter are four well recognized seasons. We wear different types of clothing according to the climate of the season - like in summer we wear cotton clothes because cotton helps us absorb sweat. Winter we bring out the layers of comfy clothes and outer wear. Then of course there are also the "rules" of fashion and seasons. No white shoes after Labor Day - shorts are only for summer - pastels are only for Easter or spring . . .
But that's enough information about the seasons, right?
Here's my point to this challenge - - - what about seasons for reading certain books? I have noticed that I tend to notice book covers that coincide with the season we are in! I love to look at allllll beach books during the summer - any beach - anywhere - but I love to see water and sand, boats and beach chairs and umbrellas and swim suits on a brightly colored book cover for my summer reading.
How about you? Do you do something similar? Do you have special books that you re-read each season? Does Christmastime bring visions of warm fires and beautifully decorated Christmas trees on your book cover or cause you to long for a family Christmas story?
Challenge: Please share your thoughts on this - and if possible maybe you can include a picture of the "seasonal books" you cherish most!
I will choose a random winner and mail you a book of your favorite season!
Thanks for participating.
Happy Reading - whatever the season!