Finishing well . . . Walking in faith . . .

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today I Noticed . . .

It's Friday and you know I have had a week of noticing some very strange things . . .

This week it has been all about how I see things differently and experience things differently than I did as a younger woman . . . for example:

     Today I noticed that I am cold.  I am cold through to my bones.  I am known for running in and out of work all winter long with no coat.   The most I would do is grab a light jacket or my leather jacket - unlined - and COLD.    Granted, our temps have dropped to single digits this week and the wind has blown.  Moisture has been in the air and ice has been on walking surfaces . . . and strangely enough . . . I have been cold.  I turned up the furnace and put on flannel pants and long sleeve jammie shirt . . . and thought to myself . . . girl you are getting older . . .

    Today I noticed that I am becoming oh just rather a grump . . . I try not to share much about work on my blog - but I may have mentioned before that we have gone through a two year period of computer conversions.  If you are one of my best friends, or one of my sisters, my mother, my children, my hubs, my post man, dentist, or hairdresser . . . I may have mentioned that I am frustrated with work.  I am not a perfectionist, I make plenty of mistakes and I own them.   I work with others at my job and follow the rules my mother taught me - say please, say thank you, keep your word, and be nice.  But mooooommmm,  you don't understand . . . these "people" are rude and lazy and they tell lies and they avoid work at all costs - and other than making my job harder than it need be . . . they really aren't my problem . . . EXCEPT that I have noticed I am becoming a tad bit negative and cynical . . . and I don't like it!!    I find myself impatient with other people in the public who I deem are being rude, lazy and dishonest.  The good thing about noticing this behavior in myself is that I can change it!  Nothing warms my heart more than the UPS man who delivers my Avon at 8:30 at night when the temperature is nearing 0 degrees - - - HE gets my respect and praise - - - as does the cashier at the grocery store who helps me with my groceries - - - and the pharmacist who researches the best medicine for the money for me - - - and the waitress who does a wonderful job at my favorite restaurant.   All people doing their jobs.  THEIR moms would be proud.  

I hope you have a great weekend!  

It's all a matter of paying attention, being awake in the present moment, and not expecting a huge payoff. The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.”

― Charles de Lint

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