What is that saying? The best laid plans of mice and men . . . Not sure what it even means but I know I have failed the May Pin It Do It Challenge and My Summer Sand Pail List could fit in a thimble but life is about change and flexibility . . . I have been on the go and so I'm ready to accomplish a few more things on my list . . . but to hold myself accountable I will show you all where I'm at with this!
First of all I had 3 pins for May - - - I finished one - - - started one - - - and gave up on one. You can check back
here to see the tablecloth that I did get done and I enjoyed using it for a Mother's Day meal for my mom!
This is the status of the red white and blue quilted throw that I will be starting on this Saturday - - -
And the baby blanket for my great grandson - wow that makes me sound old - has not been started - in fact I have given it a second thought - - - but I still have time - - - I think I'll pursue it in a few weeks.
So that will wrap up the May Pin It Do It in June projects for me! :)
Next to report is the Summer Bucket -- no sandpail -- no Summer Half-Cup List for the Henningsen's.
I have had our granddaughter here for l0 days and did teach her to put together a quilt square. I taught her the right side and the wrong side of material. I showed her how to pin two pieces together right sides touching and how the pins help keep it all together. We learned the on switch - the presser foot - the hmmm up and down lever for the presser foot :) - the needle - the thread - and how to thread the machine. I taught Elaine how to sew a straight seam and how to trim the thread when done. I taught the importance of ironing the seams when sewing and quilting. Oh and the feat that proves to be the hardest on my machine is running the foot pedal - - - those suckers can be a little touchy - especially where a l0 year old and a sharp needle are involved. Elaine was not really sold on sewing. I'll have to try again another time.

Next item that can be X'd off the summer list is the front porch is being painted as this is being written! After much looking for the right paint - Clay discovered an old can that had been used before and this cleared up the decision making on whether we had to use oil or latex based paint! Luckily Latex was the winner - much easier clean up!
I have not ridden my bike 25 miles in one day yet - I am working on building up my endurance!
Algebra I book is in the closet and after this weekend I will be starting a four week "experiment" with the textbook. This was actually one of the 5 things I wanted to learn in 2013 but I scheduled it on the summer bucket list as summertime is when my daughter the math teacher can be of assistance!
As you can see I have a ways to go - but lots of summer left -
We did as mentioned earlier in another post - make a trip to our
sons in south Texas - and would love to do it again this summer!
Let me know what you have planned for the summer and specifically for the 4th of July - It has been quite a long time since our family has been able to get together for a weekend here at our home - but plans are underway for a big Henningsen 4th of July Celebration!!! I'm looking for ideas for crafts (family craft time exciting!) decorating ideas and fun games!!
Loving summer and the blessings it brings!