Finishing well . . . Walking in faith . . .

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Why do I fight this sleep thing???

I love the readathon and plan and dream about it for days . . . actually for six months . . . once one ends I'm ready to go again!!  But darn it if I don't fall asleep while reading!!!  I even asked Mr. Google today why???   I think I know . . . #1 I have sleep apnea and need to get it treated so I'm tired . . . #2 I take several medications that make you drowsy . . . #3 I relax and that's all it takes???  or #4 and I haven't researched this yet . . . but maybe I -gasp- have reached an age where the small print is hard for me to read - even with great glasses and updated prescription . . . should we say Large Print???

So - I promise myself to fix some of those things before next April.  

1. What are you reading right now?  I am really enjoying Sod and Stubble by John Ise.  It is a pioneer story of the truest kind, in fact was more of actual diary notations than it was intended to be a book.  The Ise family came from Germany and eventually came to "western" Kansas . . . Downs and Osborne Kansas to take hold of some free ground.  Little did they know how much of Kansas was really Out West yet.  

2. How many books have you read so far?  None completely - but a chapter of Colossians, four chapters of The Winter Street and a couple of Sod and Stubble.  Plus one chapter of In Pursuit of God.  

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? I'm going to go back and forth between Sod and Stubble and the Christmas book, Winter Street.

4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?  Quite a few - self made - so who can I blame but myself.   I really have vowed to be able to set aside EVERYTHING next time for 24 hours.  That means hubs will not be getting any honey do jobs that he needs my help with, it means no guests, it means no phone calls, it also means no plans for Sunday so that I can sleep as needed.  I love it that you can make the readathon your own, but just once I want to take in the full experience of being all alone with my books.

5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far - - - I'm always amazed at how many people join in.  And especially happy to share one more picture from my granddaughter Rachel's first readathon at six months of age.  Her big sister came home to visit today and so she got to read the 4th and final book with her tonight:  Guess How Much I Love You.


  1. So lovely to have your family reading as well! Such a cute picture :) Happy readathon - sleep does seem to interrupt though doesn't it :)

  2. *fist bumps fellow cheerleader* I totally hear you on the sleep thing. For me if I get too comfortable I fall right asleep, because reading is relaxing for me, and also something I usually do right before bed, so I'm sure it's partially conditioning for me! One thing I tried last year and may this year too as we get later, rather than sitting on the couch or a chair, or laying in bed (sure fire sleep happening then!) I've tried sitting on my stability ball or standing and walking around. I can eke out a little more time that way. But also, I've said, hey, I don't want to feel awful the next day, so I go ahead and go to bed, and then I try to make it up for the last couple hours of the read-a-thon to come in at the finish line, I haven't made it every time, but I was glad when I did! Glad you could join us today and I hope you're enjoying it all! -- Shaunie Team Dogwood

  3. That picture is worth a million! I tend to have a bit of a sadness at the end of a read-a-thon. Thank you so much for sharing!


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