Finishing well . . . Walking in faith . . .

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Readathon Fun Part 4

Well Readathon Friends - It's 5 a.m. and I just woke up - after a great day with Elaine and maaannny activities including 2 miles on the bike and 3 miles through a corn maze - I couldn't stay awake even past midnight.  Elaine said, "Grandma I'm gonna stay up all night with you - but I'll let you read".  I said girl I don't think I can do it and she said, "Let's go to bed."  

Now after a little snooze - I will read some til the end - and although it wasn't a typical Readathon for me - it was time well spent.  I realize how many people know so much more about books than me.  I admire those of you who have your blogs just to review books.    If anyone would ever doubt that reading makes you smarter - I can attest that I see it does!  I have been challenged dear reading friends to make it a higher priority in my life from this day forward!!  

Spring Readathon cannot come soon enough!!!

Thanks to all of you who made it happen today!!

I like best to have one book in my hand, and a stack of others on the floor beside me, so as to know the supply of poppy and mandragora will not run out before the small hours.”  - Dorothy Parker


  1. I learn a lot from books. Sounds like you have a load of fun. My reading, currently, is limited to my time walking on the treadmill. We are taking out are garden this weekend. Just so many winter prep jobs right now.


    1. Thanks Kristina for checking out my blog - I understand about the winter prep jobs - and Good job on the treadmill!!

  2. THANK YOU for being with us!! See ya in April. :) --Andi


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