If you'd like to check this out - jump over to Katie's Book Blog and join in!
The idea is to begin May 1 and end September 1 - reading as many books as you can - and checking in for monthly challenges - see all the details on Katie's blog.
I just finished Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon and the best part for me was that I discovered several really great blogs to start following!
Here are some more of the instructions for the summer reading program with Katie:
•Your goal can be as low as 5 books (at least 5 though) and as high as 50+. Just make it realistic for you!
•You can read whatever you want. Doesn’t matter when it’s published, what genre, etc. Just read what you enjoy!
•Create a post or shelf on Goodreads to track your progress. Link to that post or shelf in the linky.
So - here is my plan . . .
Earlier this week I signed up for a week long readathon sponsored by Amanda and Kelly at Bout of Books and vowed to read one entire book that week - - -I also signed up for another week long readathon in June, sponsored by Rachael at Rachael Turns Pages - - - so - - - with that in mind - - - knowing that I have four months to read - - - and knowing that I am going to get intentional with my reading - - - I am setting my goal at 8 books read this summer!!
8 books read - May 1 - September 1, 2014 . . .
Tonight I will prepare my TBR stack - and tomorrow is late night at the library - so I may plan a trip there to see what looks good - BUT I do have a nice TBR shelf on Goodreads - - - So picking a book won't be hard!
(Also - and yes you've heard it here before - but I'm also kicking off the "summer" tomorrow with Nutrisystem food program - - - the increase and focus on reading is all part of my plan to forget about food.) Wish me luck . . . hope you decide to join in on the reading fun!!
Thanks Katie, Rachael, Amanda and Kelly for all your work to sponsor these readathons!!