Not officially, you say, and you'd be right - but for me - my "summer reading program" starts tomorrow, May 1 and I feel like a kid again getting ready to head to the library!
If you'd like to check this out - jump over to Katie's Book Blog and join in!
The idea is to begin May 1 and end September 1 - reading as many books as you can - and checking in for monthly challenges - see all the details on Katie's blog.
I just finished Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon and the best part for me was that I discovered several really great blogs to start following!
Here are some more of the instructions for the summer reading program with Katie:
•Your goal can be as low as 5 books (at least 5 though) and as high as 50+. Just make it realistic for you!
•You can read whatever you want. Doesn’t matter when it’s published, what genre, etc. Just read what you enjoy!
•Create a post or shelf on Goodreads to track your progress. Link to that post or shelf in the linky.
So - here is my plan . . .
Earlier this week I signed up for a week long readathon sponsored by Amanda and Kelly at Bout of Books and vowed to read one entire book that week - - -I also signed up for another week long readathon in June, sponsored by Rachael at Rachael Turns Pages - - - so - - - with that in mind - - - knowing that I have four months to read - - - and knowing that I am going to get intentional with my reading - - - I am setting my goal at 8 books read this summer!!
8 books read - May 1 - September 1, 2014 . . .
Tonight I will prepare my TBR stack - and tomorrow is late night at the library - so I may plan a trip there to see what looks good - BUT I do have a nice TBR shelf on Goodreads - - - So picking a book won't be hard!
(Also - and yes you've heard it here before - but I'm also kicking off the "summer" tomorrow with Nutrisystem food program - - - the increase and focus on reading is all part of my plan to forget about food.) Wish me luck . . . hope you decide to join in on the reading fun!!
Thanks Katie, Rachael, Amanda and Kelly for all your work to sponsor these readathons!!
I'm so glad you decided to join all these amazing events. I look forward to your participation in the library books readathon.