Finishing well . . . Walking in faith . . .

Monday, December 31, 2012

Thoughts on blogging ...

I am borrowing an article for this post.  It was written by Marko Saric.  One of my favorite things this year was moving forward with my blog, Henningsen Happenings.  I love to blog and I was not sure why.  Here are l0 good reasons to try it!



10 good reasons blogging should be your New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Eve is a time to look back at the past, and more importantly, look forward to the new year. It’s a time to reflect on the changes you want to make and time to make sure to follow through.
A New Year’s resolution is a goal someone sets out to accomplish in the new year. Here are 10 good reasons why having a blog should be your New Year’s resolution.

1. Great writing practice

Blogging is writing. If you like writing, having a blog will help you improve and become a better writer.

2. Boosts your career prospects

A blog is like a shop window where you showcase your talents and build your reputation. It can open doors to new opportunities and improve your career prospects. It can be considered an extended CV and can help you get a new job.

3. Improves your finances

A blog can become a source of income. It can help pay your bills, improve your finances, get you out of debt and save money. See how to earn your first $500 by blogging.

4. Builds your network

With blogging you start a conversation and connect with other people. This builds you a network of potential friends and business partners.

5. It is your creative outlet

Blogging is a creative activity. Whatever is on your mind, whatever ideas you might have, a blog is a creative outlet for you to share your ideas and creativity.

6. Makes you read

Being in the blogging industry makes you read a lot – read other blogs, read books, read comments. It opens your mind to new ideas and inspires you to do more.

7. Gets eyeballs on your work

If you are an artist or just want to spread your ideas and influence, blogging opens the doors to the whole world for you and gives you a wider audience. It allows good work to get shared and be spread, it can get you constructive criticism and gets you noticed.

8. It is your personal journal

Blogging is like keeping a journal of moments that you can look back at and revive the awesome memories or see the progress you have made.

9. Helps you help others

Blogging can be seen as a form for volunteerism. You choose to spend your time creating content that can help, inspire, educate, and/or entertain many other people.

10. Allows you more time with family

Blogging is usually done from home, it is done independently, and it doesn’t go through corporations. It can also be done on the go. This allows you more time to spend on things that matter to you, for example your family and friends.

Blogging is a good way to spend your time

All in all blogging is a good distraction and a good way to pass the time productively.
You learn something new, you get educated and improve yourself. You become more organized, get better at time management, become more independent and watch less television.

Happy Blogging!

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